Eve Ensler’s Message About Social Justice

Eve Ensler’s speech about social justice was very moving. Her view is that people are born innocent with compassionate feelings but as they grow older they are taught to hide their emotions. She believes that being emotional is more powerful than anything else, that young girls have overcome many obstacles because they had the compassion and bravery to do so. She tells us inspirational stories of young girls around the world who have found the capacity to hope and love. The story of a young girl in Africa who had the courage to run away from her home for a better life was one of my favorites. This young girl left her family and walked for two days straight to escape being sold by her father. But after a year away from home this same girl had the courage to return to her family and forgive them for what they had done. It takes a compassionate person to forgive their family for something like that and it is what Eve Ensler is trying to teach us. Like the other speeches she used inspiring real stories evoke emotion and compassion from the audience so that her message would be remembered.

2 thoughts on “Eve Ensler’s Message About Social Justice

  1. I think that by telling these stories about girls from around the world, the audience was able to feel the type of compassion she was talking about, so they were then better able to understand the message she was trying to get across.

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