Today in class…

We did a forgiveness meditation today in class and I felt that it was an interesting meditation. The guy was talking about forgiveness and letting go of our grudges but I felt that I didn’t have any grudges to let go of. I tried to think of someone I was mad at whether it was […]

Eve Ensler’s Message About Social Justice

Eve Ensler’s speech about social justice was very moving. Her view is that people are born innocent with compassionate feelings but as they grow older they are taught to hide their emotions. She believes that being emotional is more powerful than anything else, that young girls have overcome many obstacles because they had the compassion […]

First Three Anotations

Johnson, Allen. Families of the Forest : The Matsigenka Indians of the Peruvian Amazon. Ewing, NJ: University of California, 2003. Web.             In this novel the author writes about what life for a Peruvian tribe living in the Amazon. He focuses on the Matsigenka Indian tribe, a tribe that has lived in the Amazon for […]

The Library

In today’s visit to the library I found that there is a huge amount of information available to me online. I did not realize that there is more information available to me on the databases than in the all the books in the library. The databases have information on just about any topic you can […]

Huey and the Lakota Indians

Huey defines social justice by describing the Lakota Indians battle for their land. He goes into detail describing the things America has done to wrong the Native Americans, such as violating treaty agreements and attacking tribes. Throughout this history, there are pictures in the background clearly depicting the modern day Indians and the problems they […]

In “The Bluest Eye” I feel that the conflict was not as resolved as I thought it should have been. The conflict in the story was that Pecola believed she was ugly based on society’s and her own opinion of beauty. Therefore to be pretty she believed that she needed blue eyes and blond hair. […]

I found a meadow with all the vibrant flowers giving off there beautiful fragrance. The sun was high in the sky beating down on me, warming me up. There was a small path hidden underneath the flowers, it was cobbled and worn from age. I took the path deep into the forest, the air smelled […]

Conflict: The Bluest Eye

The conflict that Pecola faces in The Bluest Eye is that of she believes that she is not pretty or worth anything. She has been taught by her mother and society that the prettiest of people have blue eye and blond hair. For this reason I think Pecola faces man vs. self and man vs. […]